Why you need to visit the Anne Murray Centre in Springhill, NS

by W. Andrew Powell
Anne Murray Centre in Springhill, Nova Scotia

Canadian icon Anne Murray has been a superstar for as long as I can remember. As a kid, she was often on the radio, on TV specials, and my family loved listening to her.

She’s a genuine, down-to-earth star, and she still seems to visit her home town often.

If you’re travelling near the community of Springhill, Nova Scotia, and you remember her as fondly as I do, you really should stop and visit the museum that’s dedicated to her life and career.

The Anne Murray Centre in Springhill

The Anne Murray Centre is about a two hour drive from Halifax, or 25 minutes from Amherst, and it’s a bit of a shrine to everything the Canadian star has accomplished. It’s frankly wonderful and throughout it you’ll hear her hits, and see highlights from her greatest moments, including a few with her family.

Starting with her life in Springhill, the centre takes you through the decades and how she went from releasing “Snowbird” in 1970, to winning Grammy Awards, Junos, and receiving the Order of Canada.

The centre features an entire room filled with her awards and platinum records, some of her most iconic outfits, videos of her appearances on TV, and a fantastic speech she gave at Mount Saint Vincent University in 2016 when she received an honourary degree.

Once you’ve had a chance to explore the museum, there’s a great shop with local souvenirs and gifts for the Anne Murray fans, and you can even step into a sound booth and sing along with her on one of your favourite songs.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m on the edge of Anne’s demographic and I still loved this experience. As a music fan, I love how she went from folk and country to pop hits, and it’s amazing to see how many hits she had.

The Anne Murray centre is really a part of the the charm of Springhill, and it’s a great little community to explore on a road trip through Nova Scotia. While you’re in the area, be sure to visit the Springhill Coal Miners Museum for a chance to step into a mine and see more of the community’s history.

Anne Murray's Grammy Award
Cumberland County, Nova Scotia

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