Christian Convery & Nonso Anozie on Sweet Tooth season 3 | Interview

by W. Andrew Powell

The third and final season of Netflix’s Sweet Tooth is out now and the climactic adventure brings laughs, tears, and heartfelt goodbyes for Gus and his group of friends.

Stars Christian Convery and Nonso Anozie–Gus and Jepperd in the series–sat down with me to talk about the finale, what’s in store for fans, and how they felt about the team, and saying goodbye.

“In a broad scheme of things, fans can expect this incredible cocktail of sci-fi fantasy, drama, action, and intensity with darker themes,” Convery said. “On top of that, it’s much darker than the first and second seasons, so this one’s going to be captivating.”

Christian Convery as Gus in Sweet Tooth
Christian Convery as Gus in Sweet Tooth

“I feel like you’re going to get the same characters that hopefully you still love and are drawn to,” Anozie said, “as they find this new family in a whole different environment. That’s the wonderful thing about the show, is that season one is its own thing.”

“Season two is a totally different show, and season three is in another environment, but it’s the same story passing through… it’s a journey. It’s almost like an odyssey. They’re going through so many different environments, so many different trials and tribulations and finding out so much about themselves and the relationships that they have from each other.”

“There are lots of thrills and lots of near misses and lots of things where… if you don’t shed a tear in this, then you’ve got a cold heart.”

Saying goodbye to the series, both Anozie and Convery had a lot of fond memories from the set and making Sweet Tooth, including one special moment in the first season.

Nonso Anozie as Jepperd in Sweet Tooth
Nonso Anozie as Jepperd in Sweet Tooth

“The first season,” Anozie said, “I had a birthday… [while we were filming] in New Zealand. [With] the M?ori culture… the assistant directors, and a lot of even catering staff, got together and gave me this birthday present of performing a Haka for me, for my birthday. It was so overwhelming that I cried.”

“It is so awe inspiring that they would get together and rehearse it and do it for me. It blew me away and that’s just an example of how much love was on the set. Everybody loved working on this job. It felt like a family, and not just the actors.”

“I got to grow up with my character,” Convery said, “and, gosh, over these five years, as Gus, seeing more good and bad sides of humanity on his adventures, meeting new people, discovering new emotions… it was almost like one big life lesson, essentially.”

“Getting to say goodbye… thankfully, I wasn’t too sad about it. I was more proud of my character and of how I’ve grown up alongside him, and I was proud about how everyone cultivated this incredible project together.”

“I was more melancholy and very grateful.”

Sweet Tooth season 3 is streaming now on Netflix. Watch the full interview above.

Images by Matt Klitscher/Netflix.

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